- Closed nowChar Restaurant70 Esplanade, Darwin City, NT 0800Restaurant Bar
- Closed nowCHOW! A taste of South East AsiaD1 & D2/19 Kitchener Drive, Darwin City, NT 0800Cafe Restaurant Bar
- D Bar & Restaurant81 Smith Street, Darwin City, NT 0800Restaurant Bar
- Open nowDucks Nuts Bar & Grill76 Mitchell Street, Darwin City, NT 0800Cafe Restaurant Bar
- Closed nowGlobies Sports Bar and Crocodilly Inn97 Mitchell Street, Darwin City, NT 0800Bar
- Closed nowHot Tamale3, f2/19 Kitchener Drive, Darwin City, NT 0800Restaurant Bar
- Closed nowHotel Darwin39 Mitchell Street, Darwin City, NT 0800Restaurant Bar
- Closed nowJabiru Bar at the Novotel Darwin Atrium100 Esplanade, Darwin City, NT 0800Bar
- Closed nowLazy Susan's9/21 Cavenagh Street, Darwin City, NT 0800Restaurant Bar
- Open nowLizards Bar and Restaurant105 Mitchell Street, Darwin City, NT 0800Restaurant Bar
- Lobby Bar3 Buffalo Court, Darwin City, NT 0800Bar
- Closed nowMonsoons Darwin46 Mitchell Street, Darwin City, NT 0800Cafe Restaurant Bar Night club
- Closed nowNirvana800/6 Dashwood Crescent, Darwin City, NT 0800Restaurant Bar
- Closed nowOutback Jacks Bar & Grill Darwin1/28 Mitchell St., Darwin City, NT 0800Restaurant Bar
- Closed nowPM Eat & DrinkCorner of Knuckey Street & Austin Lane, Darwin City, NT 0800Cafe Restaurant Bar
- Closed nowRORKES Beer Wine Food22 Smith Street, Darwin City, NT 0800Restaurant Bar Night club
- Closed nowShenannigans69 Mitchell Street, Darwin City, NT 0800Restaurant Bar
- Open nowSix Tanks Brewery4/69 Mitchell Street, Darwin City, NT 0800Bar
- Open nowSKYCITY DarwinMindil Beach, Gilruth Avenue, Darwin City, NT 0820Restaurant Bar
- Closed nowSquires Tavern3 Edmunds Street, Darwin City, NT 0800Restaurant Bar
- Closed nowStone House Darwin33 Cavenagh Street, Darwin City, NT 0800Bar
- Open nowTandoori Vibes5/56 Smith Street, Darwin City, NT 0800Restaurant Bar
- Closed nowThe Barra Bar44 Mitchell Street, Darwin City, NT 0800Restaurant Bar
- Closed nowThe Cavenagh Hotel12 Cavenagh Street, Darwin City, NT 0800Cafe Bar